Champion class parties darkest dungeon
Champion class parties darkest dungeon

champion class parties darkest dungeon champion class parties darkest dungeon

Note: "P4" means "Position (or Rank) 4" and so on. I'll include some party comboes I use for various fights: If you have the DLC, the Flagellant when combined with a Crusader or Jester can very quickly zero out party stress in protracted fights. I'd personally recommend ranking up a Jester where possible, though you have some bit of Stress healing with the Houndmaster (though I don't like to depend on him for that). Get a level 6 bounty hunter and the Warrens wouldn't be out of reach as well. Arbalest is the only issue, but it can resolved relatively quickly with the forementioned facts. The occultist can do something in most positions, same as the houndmaster(both also can move back and fourth 2 positions). In case of a shuffle, the man at arms can push forward with his stun attack so long as he's not in the fourth position. You'll pretty much have solutions to any situation. You can also remove corpses when the need arises. You have multiple healers, ways to remove stuns/marks and mulitple ways to apply marks for the targets you absolutely need to kill. You can prevent night time ambushes, as well as removing death door penalties. Houndmaster to stun, and attack the back line.Ībom or man-at-arms can tank, and provide either stun support, or speed/dodge debuffs. Occultist to debuff damage, dodge and provide heals.Īrbalest to kill the priorities in the back, heal, remove marks and stuns. Occultist/Arbalest/Houndmaster + Man-at-arms or Abomination would be efficient in the weald

Champion class parties darkest dungeon